2 changed files with 143 additions and 0 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
# Quick howto |
With curl : |
curl -s https://gitlab.altinea.fr/altinea/install-scripts/src/branch/master/CheckZpools/check_zpools.sh |/bin/bash |
With wget : |
wget -q -O - https://gitlab.altinea.fr/altinea/install-scripts/src/branch/master/CheckZpools/check_zpools.sh |/bin/bash |
@ -0,0 +1,134 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env bash |
######################################################################### |
# Script: check_zpools.sh |
# Purpose: Nagios plugin to monitor status of zfs pool |
# Authors: Aldo Fabi First version (2006-09-01) |
# Vitaliy Gladkevitch Forked (2013-02-04) |
# Claudio Kuenzler Complete redo, perfdata, etc (2013-2014) |
# Doc: http://www.claudiokuenzler.com/nagios-plugins/check_zpools.php |
# History: |
# 2006-09-01 Original first version |
# 2006-10-04 Updated (no change history known) |
# 2013-02-04 Forked and released |
# 2013-05-08 Make plugin work on different OS, pepp up plugin |
# 2013-05-09 Bugfix in exit code handling |
# 2013-05-10 Removed old exit vars (not used anymore) |
# 2013-05-21 Added performance data (percentage used) |
# 2013-07-11 Bugfix in zpool health check |
# 2014-02-10 Bugfix in threshold comparison |
# 2014-03-11 Allow plugin to run without enforced thresholds |
######################################################################### |
### Begin vars |
STATE_OK=0 # define the exit code if status is OK |
STATE_WARNING=1 # define the exit code if status is Warning |
STATE_CRITICAL=2 # define the exit code if status is Critical |
STATE_UNKNOWN=3 # define the exit code if status is Unknown |
# Set path |
PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin:/sbin |
export PATH |
### End vars |
######################################################################### |
help="check_zpools.sh (c) 2006-2014 several authors\n |
Usage: $0 -p (poolname|ALL) [-w warnpercent] [-c critpercent]\n |
Example: $0 -p ALL -w 80 -c 90" |
######################################################################### |
# Check necessary commands are available |
for cmd in zpool awk [ |
do |
if ! `which ${cmd} 1>/dev/null` |
then |
echo "UNKNOWN: ${cmd} does not exist, please check if command exists and PATH is correct" |
fi |
done |
######################################################################### |
# Check for people who need help - aren't we all nice ;-) |
if [ "${1}" = "--help" -o "${#}" = "0" ]; |
then |
echo -e "${help}"; |
exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}; |
fi |
######################################################################### |
# Get user-given variables |
while getopts "p:w:c:" Input; |
do |
case ${Input} in |
p) pool=${OPTARG};; |
w) warn=${OPTARG};; |
c) crit=${OPTARG};; |
*) echo -e $help |
;; |
esac |
done |
######################################################################### |
# Did user obey to usage? |
if [ -z $pool ]; then echo -e $help; exit ${STATE_UNKNOWN}; fi |
######################################################################### |
# Verify threshold sense |
if [[ -n $warn ]] && [[ -z $crit ]]; then echo "Both warning and critical thresholds must be set"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi |
if [[ -z $warn ]] && [[ -n $crit ]]; then echo "Both warning and critical thresholds must be set"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi |
if [[ $warn -gt $crit ]]; then echo "Warning threshold cannot be greater than critical"; exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; fi |
######################################################################### |
# What needs to be checked? |
## Check all pools |
if [ $pool = "ALL" ] |
then |
POOLS=($(zpool list -Ho name)) |
p=0 |
for POOL in ${POOLS[*]} |
do |
CAPACITY=$(zpool list -Ho capacity $POOL | awk -F"%" '{print $1}') |
HEALTH=$(zpool list -Ho health $POOL) |
# Check with thresholds |
if [[ -n $warn ]] && [[ -n $crit ]] |
then |
if [[ $CAPACITY -ge $crit ]] |
then error[${p}]="POOL $POOL usage is CRITICAL (${CAPACITY}%)"; fcrit=1 |
elif [[ $CAPACITY -ge $warn && $CAPACITY -lt $crit ]] |
then error[$p]="POOL $POOL usage is WARNING (${CAPACITY}%)" |
elif [ $HEALTH != "ONLINE" ] |
then error[${p}]="$POOL health is $HEALTH"; fcrit=1 |
fi |
# Check without thresholds |
else |
if [ $HEALTH != "ONLINE" ] |
then error[${p}]="$POOL health is $HEALTH"; fcrit=1 |
fi |
fi |
perfdata[$p]="$POOL=${CAPACITY}% " |
let p++ |
done |
if [[ ${#error[*]} -gt 0 ]] |
then |
if [[ $fcrit -eq 1 ]]; then exit_code=2; else exit_code=1; fi |
echo "ZFS POOL ALARM: ${error[*]}|${perfdata[*]}"; exit ${exit_code} |
else echo "ALL ZFS POOLS OK (${POOLS[*]})|${perfdata[*]}"; exit 0 |
fi |
## Check single pool |
else |
CAPACITY=$(zpool list -Ho capacity $pool | awk -F"%" '{print $1}') |
HEALTH=$(zpool list -Ho health $pool) |
if [[ -n $warn ]] && [[ -n $crit ]] |
then |
# Check with thresholds |
if [ $HEALTH != "ONLINE" ]; then echo "ZFS POOL $pool health is $HEALTH|$pool=${CAPACITY}%"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL} |
elif [[ $CAPACITY -gt $crit ]]; then echo "ZFS POOL $pool usage is CRITICAL (${CAPACITY}%|$pool=${CAPACITY}%)"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL} |
elif [[ $CAPACITY -gt $warn && $CAPACITY -lt $crit ]]; then echo "ZFS POOL $pool usage is WARNING (${CAPACITY}%)|$pool=${CAPACITY}%"; exit ${STATE_WARNING} |
else echo "ALL ZFS POOLS OK ($pool)|$pool=${CAPACITY}%"; exit ${STATE_OK} |
fi |
else |
# Check without thresholds |
if [ $HEALTH != "ONLINE" ] |
then echo "ZFS POOL $pool health is $HEALTH|$pool=${CAPACITY}%"; exit ${STATE_CRITICAL} |
else echo "ALL ZFS POOLS OK ($pool)|$pool=${CAPACITY}%"; exit ${STATE_OK} |
fi |
fi |
fi |
echo "UKNOWN - Should never reach this part" |
Reference in new issue