#!/bin/bash # TODO : Render this script POSIX compliant # This script can be used directly from bash after defining the IP address for the node with : # IP=x bash <(curl -s https://gitlab.altinea.fr/altinea/install-scripts/raw/branch/master/wireguard/deploy-wg-clients.sh) if ! [[ $IP =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}$ ]] ; then echo "error: Please set IP variable (with IP=1-254. See https://phpipam.altinea.fr" >&2; exit 1 fi if ! modprobe -q wireguard ; then echo "Wireguard support missing. You should probably play with kernel headers and wireguard-dkms package" exit 1 fi # Create keys subdir, generate private and derive public key mkdir -p /etc/wireguard/keys umask 077 && wg genkey > /etc/wireguard/keys/private.key && wg pubkey < /etc/wireguard/keys/private.key > /etc/wireguard/keys/public.key && umask 0022 # Calculate IPv4 and IPv6 address IP4="10.17.25.$IP" IP6="fd42:42:42:25"`printf '%.2x\n' $IP`"::" # Create config file for wireguard interface echo "[Interface] Address = $IP4/32 Address = $IP6/64 SaveConfig = false PostUp = wg set %i private-key /etc/wireguard/keys/private.key PostUp = ping -c1 [Peer] PublicKey = iu3I09FtiVDIOuiU83JvpfJkg4yiCxolqcFsXbz5Ixc= AllowedIPs =, fd42:42:42::/48 # All Wireguard address space AllowedIPs =, fc00:db8:f00:bebe::/64 # OpenVPN Admin tunnel Endpoint = vpn.altinea.fr:58212 PersistentKeepalive = 25" > /etc/wireguard/vpnaltinea.conf # Display the public key to add it on the wireguard concentrator echo "Now you should read https://wiki.altinea.fr/doku.php/wireguard#cote_concentrateur_wireguard" echo "" echo "[Peer]" echo "# "`hostname -f` echo -n "PublicKey = " cat /etc/wireguard/keys/public.key echo "AllowedIPs = $IP4/32, $IP6/64" read -n1 -r -p "Press space only AFTER configuration is done ..." # Enable and start interface (systemctl needed) systemctl enable wg-quick@vpnaltinea.service && systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start wg-quick@vpnaltinea # Run a ping to make the interface usable ping -c1 exit 0;