forked from Github/
26 changed files with 2135 additions and 134 deletions
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@ |
# How to use DNS API |
DNS api usage: |
||| |
||| |
@ -0,0 +1,83 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
## Acmeproxy DNS provider to be used with acmeproxy ( |
## API integration by Maarten den Braber |
## |
## Report any bugs via |
dns_acmeproxy_add() { |
fulldomain="${1}" |
txtvalue="${2}" |
action="present" |
_debug "Calling: _acmeproxy_request() '${fulldomain}' '${txtvalue}' '${action}'" |
_acmeproxy_request "$fulldomain" "$txtvalue" "$action" |
} |
dns_acmeproxy_rm() { |
fulldomain="${1}" |
txtvalue="${2}" |
action="cleanup" |
_debug "Calling: _acmeproxy_request() '${fulldomain}' '${txtvalue}' '${action}'" |
_acmeproxy_request "$fulldomain" "$txtvalue" "$action" |
} |
_acmeproxy_request() { |
## Nothing to see here, just some housekeeping |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
action=$3 |
_info "Using acmeproxy" |
_debug fulldomain "$fulldomain" |
_debug txtvalue "$txtvalue" |
## Check for the endpoint |
if [ -z "$ACMEPROXY_ENDPOINT" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify the endpoint" |
_err "Please set them via 'export ACMEPROXY_ENDPOINT=https://ip:port' and try again." |
return 1 |
fi |
## Save the credentials to the account file |
if [ -z "$ACMEPROXY_USERNAME" ] || [ -z "$ACMEPROXY_PASSWORD" ]; then |
_info "ACMEPROXY_USERNAME and/or ACMEPROXY_PASSWORD not set - using without client authentication! Make sure you're using server authentication (e.g. IP-based)" |
export _H1="Accept: application/json" |
export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" |
else |
## Base64 encode the credentials |
credentials=$(printf "%b" "$ACMEPROXY_USERNAME:$ACMEPROXY_PASSWORD" | _base64) |
## Construct the HTTP Authorization header |
export _H1="Authorization: Basic $credentials" |
export _H2="Accept: application/json" |
export _H3="Content-Type: application/json" |
fi |
## Add the challenge record to the acmeproxy grid member |
response="$(_post "{\"fqdn\": \"$fulldomain.\", \"value\": \"$txtvalue\"}" "$ACMEPROXY_ENDPOINT/$action" "" "POST")" |
## Let's see if we get something intelligible back from the unit |
if echo "$response" | grep "\"$txtvalue\"" >/dev/null; then |
_info "Successfully updated the txt record" |
return 0 |
else |
_err "Error encountered during record addition" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#Created by RaidenII, to use DuckDNS's API to add/remove text records |
#modified by helbgd @ 03/13/2018 to support |
#modified by mod242 @ 04/24/2018 to support different ddnss domains |
#Please note: the Wildcard Feature must be turned on for the Host record |
#and the checkbox for TXT needs to be enabled |
# Pass credentials before " --issue --dns dns_ddnss ..." |
# -- |
# export DDNSS_Token="aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee" |
# -- |
# |
######## Public functions ##################### |
#Usage: dns_ddnss_add "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" |
dns_ddnss_add() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
DDNSS_Token="${DDNSS_Token:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DDNSS_Token)}" |
if [ -z "$DDNSS_Token" ]; then |
_err "You must export variable: DDNSS_Token" |
_err "The token for your DDNSS account is necessary." |
_err "You can look it up in your DDNSS account." |
return 1 |
fi |
# Now save the credentials. |
_saveaccountconf_mutable DDNSS_Token "$DDNSS_Token" |
# Unfortunately, DDNSS does not seems to support lookup domain through API |
# So I assume your credentials (which are your domain and token) are correct |
# If something goes wrong, we will get a KO response from DDNSS |
if ! _ddnss_get_domain; then |
return 1 |
fi |
# Now add the TXT record to DDNSS DNS |
_info "Trying to add TXT record" |
if _ddnss_rest GET "key=$DDNSS_Token&host=$_ddnss_domain&txtm=1&txt=$txtvalue"; then |
if [ "$response" = "Updated 1 hostname." ]; then |
_info "TXT record has been successfully added to your DDNSS domain." |
_info "Note that all subdomains under this domain uses the same TXT record." |
return 0 |
else |
_err "Errors happened during adding the TXT record, response=$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
else |
_err "Errors happened during adding the TXT record." |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
#Usage: fulldomain txtvalue |
#Remove the txt record after validation. |
dns_ddnss_rm() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
DDNSS_Token="${DDNSS_Token:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DDNSS_Token)}" |
if [ -z "$DDNSS_Token" ]; then |
_err "You must export variable: DDNSS_Token" |
_err "The token for your DDNSS account is necessary." |
_err "You can look it up in your DDNSS account." |
return 1 |
fi |
if ! _ddnss_get_domain; then |
return 1 |
fi |
# Now remove the TXT record from DDNS DNS |
_info "Trying to remove TXT record" |
if _ddnss_rest GET "key=$DDNSS_Token&host=$_ddnss_domain&txtm=1&txt=."; then |
if [ "$response" = "Updated 1 hostname." ]; then |
_info "TXT record has been successfully removed from your DDNSS domain." |
return 0 |
else |
_err "Errors happened during removing the TXT record, response=$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
else |
_err "Errors happened during removing the TXT record." |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
||| |
#returns |
# _ddnss_domain=domain |
_ddnss_get_domain() { |
# We'll extract the domain/username from full domain |
_ddnss_domain="$(echo "$fulldomain" | _lower_case | _egrep_o '[.][^.][^.]*[.](ddnss|dyn-ip24|dyndns|dyn|dyndns1|home-webserver|myhome-server|dynip)\..*' | cut -d . -f 2-)" |
if [ -z "$_ddnss_domain" ]; then |
_err "Error extracting the domain." |
return 1 |
fi |
return 0 |
} |
#Usage: method URI |
_ddnss_rest() { |
method=$1 |
param="$2" |
_debug param "$param" |
url="$DDNSS_DNS_API?$param" |
_debug url "$url" |
# DDNSS uses GET to update domain info |
if [ "$method" = "GET" ]; then |
response="$(_get "$url" | sed 's/<[a-zA-Z\/][^>]*>//g' | _tail_n 1)" |
else |
_err "Unsupported method" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug2 response "$response" |
return 0 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#DD_API_User="xxxxx" |
#DD_API_Key="xxxxxx" |
_DD_BASE="" |
######## Public functions ##################### |
#Usage: add "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" |
dns_durabledns_add() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
DD_API_User="${DD_API_User:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DD_API_User)}" |
DD_API_Key="${DD_API_Key:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DD_API_Key)}" |
if [ -z "$DD_API_User" ] || [ -z "$DD_API_Key" ]; then |
DD_API_User="" |
DD_API_Key="" |
_err "You didn't specify a durabledns api user or key yet." |
_err "You can get yours from here" |
return 1 |
fi |
#save the api key and email to the account conf file. |
_saveaccountconf_mutable DD_API_User "$DD_API_User" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable DD_API_Key "$DD_API_Key" |
_debug "First detect the root zone" |
if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then |
_err "invalid domain" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" |
_debug _domain "$_domain" |
_dd_soap createRecord string zonename "$_domain." string name "$_sub_domain" string type "TXT" string data "$txtvalue" int aux 0 int ttl 10 string ddns_enabled N |
_contains "$response" "createRecordResponse" |
} |
dns_durabledns_rm() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
DD_API_User="${DD_API_User:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DD_API_User)}" |
DD_API_Key="${DD_API_Key:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable DD_API_Key)}" |
if [ -z "$DD_API_User" ] || [ -z "$DD_API_Key" ]; then |
DD_API_User="" |
DD_API_Key="" |
_err "You didn't specify a durabledns api user or key yet." |
_err "You can get yours from here" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug "First detect the root zone" |
if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then |
_err "invalid domain" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" |
_debug _domain "$_domain" |
_debug "Find record id" |
if ! _dd_soap listRecords string zonename "$_domain."; then |
_err "can not listRecords" |
return 1 |
fi |
subtxt="$(echo "$txtvalue" | cut -c 1-30)" |
record="$(echo "$response" | sed 's/<item\>/#<item>/g' | tr '#' '\n' | grep ">$subtxt")" |
_debug record "$record" |
if [ -z "$record" ]; then |
_err "can not find record for txtvalue" "$txtvalue" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
recordid="$(echo "$record" | _egrep_o '<id xsi:type="xsd:int">[0-9]*</id>' | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1)" |
_debug recordid "$recordid" |
if [ -z "$recordid" ]; then |
_err "can not find record id" |
return 1 |
fi |
if ! _dd_soap deleteRecord string zonename "$_domain." int id "$recordid"; then |
_err "delete error" |
return 1 |
fi |
_contains "$response" "Success" |
} |
||| |
#returns |
# _sub_domain=_acme-challenge.www |
# |
_get_root() { |
domain=$1 |
if ! _dd_soap "listZones"; then |
return 1 |
fi |
i=1 |
p=1 |
while true; do |
h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f $i-100) |
_debug h "$h" |
if [ -z "$h" ]; then |
#not valid |
return 1 |
fi |
if _contains "$response" ">$h.</origin>"; then |
_sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-$p) |
_domain=$h |
return 0 |
fi |
p=$i |
i=$(_math "$i" + 1) |
done |
return 1 |
} |
#method |
_dd_soap() { |
_method="$1" |
shift |
_urn="${_method}wsdl" |
# put the parameters to xml |
body="<tns:$_method> |
<apiuser xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">$DD_API_User</apiuser> |
<apikey xsi:type=\"xsd:string\">$DD_API_Key</apikey> |
" |
while [ "$1" ]; do |
_t="$1" |
shift |
_k="$1" |
shift |
_v="$1" |
shift |
body="$body<$_k xsi:type=\"xsd:$_t\">$_v</$_k>" |
done |
body="$body</tns:$_method>" |
_debug2 "SOAP request ${body}" |
# build SOAP XML |
_xml='<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" |
xmlns:soapenc="" |
xmlns:tns="urn:'$_urn'" |
xmlns:types="urn:'$_urn'/encodedTypes" |
xmlns:xsi="" |
xmlns:xsd=""> |
<soap:Body soap:encodingStyle="">'"$body"'</soap:Body> |
</soap:Envelope>' |
_debug2 _xml "$_xml" |
# set SOAP headers |
_action="SOAPAction: \"urn:$_urn#$_method\"" |
_debug2 "_action" "$_action" |
export _H1="$_action" |
export _H2="Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" |
_url="$_DD_BASE/$_method.php" |
_debug "_url" "$_url" |
if ! response="$(_post "${_xml}" "${_url}")"; then |
_err "Error <$1>" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug2 "response" "$response" |
response="$(echo "$response" | tr -d "\r\n" | _egrep_o ":${_method}Response .*:${_method}Response><")" |
_debug2 "response" "$response" |
return 0 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,180 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#This is the Internet.BS api wrapper for |
# |
#Author: <> Ne-Lexa |
#Report Bugs here: |
#INTERNETBS_API_KEY="sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje" |
#INTERNETBS_API_PASSWORD="sdfsdfsdfljlbjkljlkjsdfoiwje" |
######## Public functions ##################### |
#Usage: dns_myapi_add "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs" |
dns_internetbs_add() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
if [ -z "$INTERNETBS_API_KEY" ] || [ -z "$INTERNETBS_API_PASSWORD" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify the INTERNET.BS api key and password yet." |
_err "Please create you key and try again." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable INTERNETBS_API_KEY "$INTERNETBS_API_KEY" |
_debug "First detect the root zone" |
if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then |
_err "invalid domain" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" |
_debug _domain "$_domain" |
# |
if _internetbs_rest POST "Domain/DnsRecord/Add" "FullRecordName=${_sub_domain}.${_domain}&Type=TXT&Value=${txtvalue}&ResponseFormat=json"; then |
if ! _contains "$response" "\"status\":\"SUCCESS\""; then |
_err "ERROR add TXT record" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
_info "txt record add success." |
return 0 |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
#Usage: fulldomain txtvalue |
#Remove the txt record after validation. |
dns_internetbs_rm() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
if [ -z "$INTERNETBS_API_KEY" ] || [ -z "$INTERNETBS_API_PASSWORD" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify the INTERNET.BS api key and password yet." |
_err "Please create you key and try again." |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug "First detect the root zone" |
if ! _get_root "$fulldomain"; then |
_err "invalid domain" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" |
_debug _domain "$_domain" |
_debug "Getting txt records" |
# |
_internetbs_rest POST "Domain/DnsRecord/List" "Domain=$_domain&FilterType=TXT&ResponseFormat=json" |
if ! _contains "$response" "\"status\":\"SUCCESS\""; then |
_err "ERROR list dns records" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
if _contains "$response" "\name\":\"${_sub_domain}.${_domain}\""; then |
_info "txt record find." |
# |
_internetbs_rest POST "Domain/DnsRecord/Remove" "FullRecordName=${_sub_domain}.${_domain}&Type=TXT&ResponseFormat=json" |
if ! _contains "$response" "\"status\":\"SUCCESS\""; then |
_err "ERROR remove dns record" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
_info "txt record deleted success." |
return 0 |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
||| |
#returns |
# _sub_domain=_acme-challenge.www |
# |
# _domain_id=12345 |
_get_root() { |
domain=$1 |
i=2 |
p=1 |
# |
if _internetbs_rest POST "Domain/List" "CompactList=yes&ResponseFormat=json"; then |
if ! _contains "$response" "\"status\":\"SUCCESS\""; then |
_err "ERROR fetch domain list" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
while true; do |
h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f ${i}-100) |
_debug h "$h" |
if [ -z "$h" ]; then |
#not valid |
return 1 |
fi |
if _contains "$response" "\"$h\""; then |
_sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-${p}) |
_domain=${h} |
return 0 |
fi |
p=${i} |
i=$(_math "$i" + 1) |
done |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
#Usage: method URI data |
_internetbs_rest() { |
m="$1" |
ep="$2" |
data="$3" |
url="${INTERNETBS_API_URL}/${ep}" |
_debug url "$url" |
apiKey="$(printf "%s" "${INTERNETBS_API_KEY}" | _url_encode)" |
password="$(printf "%s" "${INTERNETBS_API_PASSWORD}" | _url_encode)" |
if [ "$m" = "GET" ]; then |
response="$(_get "${url}?ApiKey=${apiKey}&Password=${password}&${data}" | tr -d '\r')" |
else |
_debug2 data "$data" |
response="$(_post "$data" "${url}?ApiKey=${apiKey}&Password=${password}" | tr -d '\r')" |
fi |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
_err "error $ep" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug2 response "$response" |
return 0 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#Nsd_ZoneFile="/etc/nsd/zones/" |
#Nsd_Command="sudo nsd-control reload" |
# args: fulldomain txtvalue |
dns_nsd_add() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
ttlvalue=300 |
Nsd_ZoneFile="${Nsd_ZoneFile:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_ZoneFile)}" |
Nsd_Command="${Nsd_Command:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_Command)}" |
# Arg checks |
if [ -z "$Nsd_ZoneFile" ] || [ -z "$Nsd_Command" ]; then |
Nsd_ZoneFile="" |
Nsd_Command="" |
_err "Specify ENV vars Nsd_ZoneFile and Nsd_Command" |
return 1 |
fi |
if [ ! -f "$Nsd_ZoneFile" ]; then |
Nsd_ZoneFile="" |
Nsd_Command="" |
_err "No such file: $Nsd_ZoneFile" |
return 1 |
fi |
_savedomainconf Nsd_ZoneFile "$Nsd_ZoneFile" |
_savedomainconf Nsd_Command "$Nsd_Command" |
echo "$fulldomain. $ttlvalue IN TXT \"$txtvalue\"" >>"$Nsd_ZoneFile" |
_info "Added TXT record for $fulldomain" |
_debug "Running $Nsd_Command" |
if eval "$Nsd_Command"; then |
_info "Successfully updated the zone" |
return 0 |
else |
_err "Problem updating the zone" |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
# args: fulldomain txtvalue |
dns_nsd_rm() { |
fulldomain=$1 |
txtvalue=$2 |
ttlvalue=300 |
Nsd_ZoneFile="${Nsd_ZoneFile:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_ZoneFile)}" |
Nsd_Command="${Nsd_Command:-$(_readdomainconf Nsd_Command)}" |
sed -i "/$fulldomain. $ttlvalue IN TXT \"$txtvalue\"/d" "$Nsd_ZoneFile" |
_info "Removed TXT record for $fulldomain" |
_debug "Running $Nsd_Command" |
if eval "$Nsd_Command"; then |
_info "Successfully reloaded NSD " |
return 0 |
else |
_err "Problem reloading NSD" |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
# -*- mode: sh; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: s; coding: utf-8 -*- |
# ui wrapper for |
# Author: github: @diseq |
# Created: 2019-02-17 |
# |
# export ONECOM_User="username" |
# export ONECOM_Password="password" |
# |
# Usage: |
# --issue --dns dns_one -d |
# |
# only single domain supported atm |
dns_one_add() { |
mysubdomain=$(printf -- "%s" "$1" | rev | cut -d"." -f3- | rev) |
mydomain=$(printf -- "%s" "$1" | rev | cut -d"." -f1-2 | rev) |
txtvalue=$2 |
# get credentials |
ONECOM_User="${ONECOM_User:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable ONECOM_User)}" |
ONECOM_Password="${ONECOM_Password:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable ONECOM_Password)}" |
if [ -z "$ONECOM_User" ] || [ -z "$ONECOM_Password" ]; then |
ONECOM_User="" |
ONECOM_Password="" |
_err "You didn't specify a username and password yet." |
_err "Please create the key and try again." |
return 1 |
fi |
#save the api key and email to the account conf file. |
_saveaccountconf_mutable ONECOM_User "$ONECOM_User" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable ONECOM_Password "$ONECOM_Password" |
# Login with user and password |
postdata="loginDomain=true" |
postdata="$postdata&displayUsername=$ONECOM_User" |
postdata="$postdata&username=$ONECOM_User" |
postdata="$postdata&targetDomain=$mydomain" |
postdata="$postdata&password1=$ONECOM_Password" |
postdata="$postdata&loginTarget=" |
#_debug postdata "$postdata" |
response="$(_post "$postdata" "" "" "POST" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")" |
#_debug response "$response" |
JSESSIONID="$(grep "JSESSIONID" "$HTTP_HEADER" | grep "^[Ss]et-[Cc]ookie:" | _tail_n 1 | _egrep_o 'JSESSIONID=[^;]*;' | tr -d ';')" |
_debug jsessionid "$JSESSIONID" |
export _H1="Cookie: ${JSESSIONID}" |
# get entries |
response="$(_get "$mydomain/dns/custom_records")" |
_debug response "$response" |
CSRF_G_TOKEN="$(grep "CSRF_G_TOKEN=" "$HTTP_HEADER" | grep "^Set-Cookie:" | _tail_n 1 | _egrep_o 'CSRF_G_TOKEN=[^;]*;' | tr -d ';')" |
export _H2="Cookie: ${CSRF_G_TOKEN}" |
# Update the IP address for domain entry |
postdata="{\"type\":\"dns_custom_records\",\"attributes\":{\"priority\":0,\"ttl\":600,\"type\":\"TXT\",\"prefix\":\"$mysubdomain\",\"content\":\"$txtvalue\"}}" |
_debug postdata "$postdata" |
response="$(_post "$postdata" "$mydomain/dns/custom_records" "" "POST" "application/json")" |
response="$(echo "$response" | _normalizeJson)" |
_debug response "$response" |
id=$(echo "$response" | sed -n "s/{\"result\":{\"data\":{\"type\":\"dns_custom_records\",\"id\":\"\([^\"]*\)\",\"attributes\":{\"prefix\":\"$mysubdomain\",\"type\":\"TXT\",\"content\":\"$txtvalue\",\"priority\":0,\"ttl\":600}}},\"metadata\":null}/\1/p") |
if [ -z "$id" ]; then |
_err "Add txt record error." |
return 1 |
else |
_info "Added, OK ($id)" |
return 0 |
fi |
} |
dns_one_rm() { |
mysubdomain=$(printf -- "%s" "$1" | rev | cut -d"." -f3- | rev) |
mydomain=$(printf -- "%s" "$1" | rev | cut -d"." -f1-2 | rev) |
txtvalue=$2 |
# get credentials |
ONECOM_User="${ONECOM_User:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable ONECOM_User)}" |
ONECOM_Password="${ONECOM_Password:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable ONECOM_Password)}" |
if [ -z "$ONECOM_User" ] || [ -z "$ONECOM_Password" ]; then |
ONECOM_User="" |
ONECOM_Password="" |
_err "You didn't specify a username and password yet." |
_err "Please create the key and try again." |
return 1 |
fi |
# Login with user and password |
postdata="loginDomain=true" |
postdata="$postdata&displayUsername=$ONECOM_User" |
postdata="$postdata&username=$ONECOM_User" |
postdata="$postdata&targetDomain=$mydomain" |
postdata="$postdata&password1=$ONECOM_Password" |
postdata="$postdata&loginTarget=" |
response="$(_post "$postdata" "" "" "POST" "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")" |
#_debug response "$response" |
JSESSIONID="$(grep "JSESSIONID" "$HTTP_HEADER" | grep "^[Ss]et-[Cc]ookie:" | _tail_n 1 | _egrep_o 'JSESSIONID=[^;]*;' | tr -d ';')" |
_debug jsessionid "$JSESSIONID" |
export _H1="Cookie: ${JSESSIONID}" |
# get entries |
response="$(_get "$mydomain/dns/custom_records")" |
response="$(echo "$response" | _normalizeJson)" |
_debug response "$response" |
CSRF_G_TOKEN="$(grep "CSRF_G_TOKEN=" "$HTTP_HEADER" | grep "^Set-Cookie:" | _tail_n 1 | _egrep_o 'CSRF_G_TOKEN=[^;]*;' | tr -d ';')" |
export _H2="Cookie: ${CSRF_G_TOKEN}" |
id=$(printf -- "%s" "$response" | sed -n "s/.*{\"type\":\"dns_custom_records\",\"id\":\"\([^\"]*\)\",\"attributes\":{\"prefix\":\"$mysubdomain\",\"type\":\"TXT\",\"content\":\"$txtvalue\",\"priority\":0,\"ttl\":600}.*/\1/p") |
if [ -z "$id" ]; then |
_err "Txt record not found." |
return 1 |
fi |
# delete entry |
response="$(_post "$postdata" "$mydomain/dns/custom_records/$id" "" "DELETE" "application/json")" |
response="$(echo "$response" | _normalizeJson)" |
_debug response "$response" |
if [ "$response" = '{"result":null,"metadata":null}' ]; then |
_info "Removed, OK" |
return 0 |
else |
_err "Removing txt record error." |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
# -*- mode: sh; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: s; coding: utf-8 -*- |
# Schlundtech DNS API |
# Author: mod242 |
# Created: 2019-40-29 |
# Completly based on the autoDNS xml api wrapper by |
# |
# export SCHLUNDTECH_USER="username" |
# export SCHLUNDTECH_PASSWORD="password" |
# |
# Usage: |
# --issue --dns dns_schlundtech -d |
# Arguments: |
# txtdomain |
# txt |
dns_schlundtech_add() { |
fulldomain="$1" |
txtvalue="$2" |
if [ -z "$SCHLUNDTECH_USER" ] || [ -z "$SCHLUNDTECH_PASSWORD" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify schlundtech user and password." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable SCHLUNDTECH_USER "$SCHLUNDTECH_USER" |
_debug "First detect the root zone" |
if ! _get_autodns_zone "$fulldomain"; then |
_err "invalid domain" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" |
_debug _zone "$_zone" |
_debug _system_ns "$_system_ns" |
_info "Adding TXT record" |
autodns_response="$(_autodns_zone_update "$_zone" "$_sub_domain" "$txtvalue" "$_system_ns")" |
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then |
_info "Added, OK" |
return 0 |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
# Arguments: |
# txtdomain |
# txt |
dns_schlundtech_rm() { |
fulldomain="$1" |
txtvalue="$2" |
if [ -z "$SCHLUNDTECH_USER" ] || [ -z "$SCHLUNDTECH_PASSWORD" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify schlundtech user and password." |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug "First detect the root zone" |
if ! _get_autodns_zone "$fulldomain"; then |
_err "zone not found" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug _sub_domain "$_sub_domain" |
_debug _zone "$_zone" |
_debug _system_ns "$_system_ns" |
_info "Delete TXT record" |
autodns_response="$(_autodns_zone_cleanup "$_zone" "$_sub_domain" "$txtvalue" "$_system_ns")" |
if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then |
_info "Deleted, OK" |
return 0 |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
#################### Private functions below ################################## |
# Arguments: |
# fulldomain |
# Returns: |
# _sub_domain=_acme-challenge.www |
# |
# _system_ns |
_get_autodns_zone() { |
domain="$1" |
i=2 |
p=1 |
while true; do |
h=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f $i-100) |
_debug h "$h" |
if [ -z "$h" ]; then |
# not valid |
return 1 |
fi |
autodns_response="$(_autodns_zone_inquire "$h")" |
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then |
_err "invalid domain" |
return 1 |
fi |
if _contains "$autodns_response" "<summary>1</summary>" >/dev/null; then |
_zone="$(echo "$autodns_response" | _egrep_o '<name>[^<]*</name>' | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1)" |
_system_ns="$(echo "$autodns_response" | _egrep_o '<system_ns>[^<]*</system_ns>' | cut -d '>' -f 2 | cut -d '<' -f 1)" |
_sub_domain=$(printf "%s" "$domain" | cut -d . -f 1-$p) |
return 0 |
fi |
p=$i |
i=$(_math "$i" + 1) |
done |
return 1 |
} |
_build_request_auth_xml() { |
printf "<auth> |
<user>%s</user> |
<password>%s</password> |
<context>10</context> |
} |
# Arguments: |
# zone |
_build_zone_inquire_xml() { |
printf "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> |
<request> |
%s |
<task> |
<code>0205</code> |
<view> |
<children>1</children> |
<limit>1</limit> |
</view> |
<where> |
<key>name</key> |
<operator>eq</operator> |
<value>%s</value> |
</where> |
</task> |
</request>" "$(_build_request_auth_xml)" "$1" |
} |
# Arguments: |
# zone |
# subdomain |
# txtvalue |
# system_ns |
_build_zone_update_xml() { |
printf "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?> |
<request> |
%s |
<task> |
<code>0202001</code> |
<default> |
<rr_add> |
<name>%s</name> |
<ttl>600</ttl> |
<type>TXT</type> |
<value>%s</value> |
</rr_add> |
</default> |
<zone> |
<name>%s</name> |
<system_ns>%s</system_ns> |
</zone> |
</task> |
</request>" "$(_build_request_auth_xml)" "$2" "$3" "$1" "$4" |
} |
# Arguments: |
# zone |
_autodns_zone_inquire() { |
request_data="$(_build_zone_inquire_xml "$1")" |
autodns_response="$(_autodns_api_call "$request_data")" |
ret="$?" |
printf "%s" "$autodns_response" |
return "$ret" |
} |
# Arguments: |
# zone |
# subdomain |
# txtvalue |
# system_ns |
_autodns_zone_update() { |
request_data="$(_build_zone_update_xml "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4")" |
autodns_response="$(_autodns_api_call "$request_data")" |
ret="$?" |
printf "%s" "$autodns_response" |
return "$ret" |
} |
# Arguments: |
# zone |
# subdomain |
# txtvalue |
# system_ns |
_autodns_zone_cleanup() { |
request_data="$(_build_zone_update_xml "$1" "$2" "$3" "$4")" |
# replace 'rr_add>' with 'rr_rem>' in request_data |
request_data="$(printf -- "%s" "$request_data" | sed 's/rr_add>/rr_rem>/g')" |
autodns_response="$(_autodns_api_call "$request_data")" |
ret="$?" |
printf "%s" "$autodns_response" |
return "$ret" |
} |
# Arguments: |
# request_data |
_autodns_api_call() { |
request_data="$1" |
_debug request_data "$request_data" |
autodns_response="$(_post "$request_data" "$SCHLUNDTECH_API")" |
ret="$?" |
_debug autodns_response "$autodns_response" |
if [ "$ret" -ne "0" ]; then |
_err "error" |
return 1 |
fi |
if _contains "$autodns_response" "<type>success</type>" >/dev/null; then |
_info "success" |
printf "%s" "$autodns_response" |
return 0 |
fi |
return 1 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#Support local mail app |
#MAIL_BIN="sendmail" |
#MAIL_TO="" |
mail_send() { |
_subject="$1" |
_content="$2" |
_statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped |
_debug "_subject" "$_subject" |
_debug "_content" "$_content" |
_debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode" |
MAIL_BIN="${MAIL_BIN:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAIL_BIN)}" |
if [ -n "$MAIL_BIN" ] && ! _exists "$MAIL_BIN"; then |
_err "It seems that the command $MAIL_BIN is not in path." |
return 1 |
fi |
_MAIL_CMD=$(_mail_cmnd) |
if [ -n "$MAIL_BIN" ]; then |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAIL_BIN "$MAIL_BIN" |
else |
_clearaccountconf "MAIL_BIN" |
fi |
_MAIL_BODY=$(_mail_body) |
MAIL_FROM="${MAIL_FROM:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAIL_FROM)}" |
if [ -n "$MAIL_FROM" ]; then |
if ! _contains "$MAIL_FROM" "@"; then |
_err "It seems that the MAIL_FROM=$MAIL_FROM is not a valid email address." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAIL_FROM "$MAIL_FROM" |
fi |
MAIL_TO="${MAIL_TO:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAIL_TO)}" |
if [ -n "$MAIL_TO" ]; then |
if ! _contains "$MAIL_TO" "@"; then |
_err "It seems that the MAIL_TO=$MAIL_TO is not a valid email address." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAIL_TO "$MAIL_TO" |
else |
MAIL_TO="$(_readaccountconf ACCOUNT_EMAIL)" |
if [ -z "$MAIL_TO" ]; then |
_err "It seems that account email is empty." |
return 1 |
fi |
fi |
contenttype="text/plain; charset=utf-8" |
subject="=?UTF-8?B?$(echo "$_subject" | _base64)?=" |
result=$({ echo "$_MAIL_BODY" | eval "$_MAIL_CMD"; } 2>&1) |
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then |
_debug "mail send error." |
_err "$result" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug "mail send success." |
return 0 |
} |
_mail_cmnd() { |
if [ -n "$MAIL_BIN" ]; then |
elif _exists "sendmail"; then |
_MAIL_BIN="sendmail" |
elif _exists "ssmtp"; then |
_MAIL_BIN="ssmtp" |
elif _exists "mutt"; then |
_MAIL_BIN="mutt" |
elif _exists "mail"; then |
_MAIL_BIN="mail" |
else |
_err "Please install sendmail, ssmtp, mutt or mail first." |
return 1 |
fi |
case $(basename "$_MAIL_BIN") in |
sendmail) |
if [ -n "$MAIL_FROM" ]; then |
echo "'$_MAIL_BIN' -f '$MAIL_FROM' '$MAIL_TO'" |
else |
echo "'$_MAIL_BIN' '$MAIL_TO'" |
fi |
;; |
ssmtp) |
echo "'$_MAIL_BIN' '$MAIL_TO'" |
;; |
mutt | mail) |
echo "'$_MAIL_BIN' -s '$_subject' '$MAIL_TO'" |
;; |
*) |
_err "Command $MAIL_BIN is not supported, use sendmail, ssmtp, mutt or mail." |
return 1 |
;; |
esac |
} |
_mail_body() { |
if [ "$_MAIL_BIN" = "sendmail" ] || [ "$_MAIL_BIN" = "ssmtp" ]; then |
if [ -n "$MAIL_FROM" ]; then |
echo "From: $MAIL_FROM" |
fi |
echo "To: $MAIL_TO" |
echo "Subject: $subject" |
echo "Content-Type: $contenttype" |
echo |
fi |
echo "$_content" |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#Support api |
#MAILGUN_REGION="us|eu" #optional, use "us" as default |
#MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN="" #optional, use the default sandbox domain |
#MAILGUN_FROM="" #optional, use the default sendbox account |
# subject content statusCode |
mailgun_send() { |
_subject="$1" |
_content="$2" |
_statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped |
_debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode" |
MAILGUN_API_KEY="${MAILGUN_API_KEY:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_API_KEY)}" |
if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_KEY" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify a mailgun api key MAILGUN_API_KEY yet ." |
_err "You can get yours from here" |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_API_KEY "$MAILGUN_API_KEY" |
MAILGUN_REGION="${MAILGUN_REGION:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_REGION)}" |
if [ -z "$MAILGUN_REGION" ]; then |
_debug "The MAILGUN_REGION is not set, so use the default us region." |
else |
MAILGUN_REGION="$(echo "$MAILGUN_REGION" | _lower_case)" |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_REGION "$MAILGUN_REGION" |
if [ "$MAILGUN_REGION" = "us" ]; then |
else |
fi |
fi |
MAILGUN_TO="${MAILGUN_TO:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_TO)}" |
if [ -z "$MAILGUN_TO" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify an email to MAILGUN_TO receive messages." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_TO "$MAILGUN_TO" |
if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" ]; then |
_info "The MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN is not set, try to get the default sending sandbox domain for you." |
if ! _mailgun_rest GET "/domains"; then |
_err "Can not get sandbox domain." |
return 1 |
fi |
_sendboxDomain="$(echo "$response" | _egrep_o '"name": *"sandbox.*"' | cut -d : -f 2 | tr -d '" ')" |
_debug _sendboxDomain "$_sendboxDomain" |
MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN="$_sendboxDomain" |
if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" ]; then |
_err "Can not get sandbox domain for MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" |
return 1 |
fi |
_info "$(__green "When using sandbox domain, you must verify your email first.")" |
#todo: add recepient |
fi |
if [ -z "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" ]; then |
_err "Can not get MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN "$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN" |
MAILGUN_FROM="${MAILGUN_FROM:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_FROM)}" |
if [ -z "$MAILGUN_FROM" ]; then |
_info "The MAILGUN_FROM is not set, so use the default value: $MAILGUN_FROM" |
else |
_saveaccountconf_mutable MAILGUN_FROM "$MAILGUN_FROM" |
fi |
#send from url |
_msg="/$MAILGUN_API_DOMAIN/messages?from=$(printf "%s" "$MAILGUN_FROM" | _url_encode)&to=$(printf "%s" "$MAILGUN_TO" | _url_encode)&subject=$(printf "%s" "$_subject" | _url_encode)&text=$(printf "%s" "$_content" | _url_encode)" |
_debug "_msg" "$_msg" |
_mailgun_rest POST "$_msg" |
if _contains "$response" "Queued. Thank you."; then |
_debug "mailgun send success." |
return 0 |
else |
_err "mailgun send error" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
} |
# method uri data |
_mailgun_rest() { |
_method="$1" |
_mguri="$2" |
_mgdata="$3" |
_debug _mguri "$_mguri" |
_mgurl="$_MAILGUN_BASE$_mguri" |
_debug _mgurl "$_mgurl" |
_auth="$(printf "%s" "api:$MAILGUN_API_KEY" | _base64)" |
export _H1="Authorization: Basic $_auth" |
export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" |
if [ "$_method" = "GET" ]; then |
response="$(_get "$_mgurl")" |
else |
_debug _mgdata "$_mgdata" |
response="$(_post "$_mgdata" "$_mgurl" "" "$_method")" |
fi |
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then |
_err "Error: $_mguri" |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
fi |
_debug2 response "$response" |
return 0 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
# support pop |
pop_send() { |
_subject="$1" |
_content="$2" |
_statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped |
_debug "_subject" "$_subject" |
_debug "_content" "$_content" |
_debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode" |
_err "Not implemented yet." |
return 1 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#Support api |
sendgrid_send() { |
_subject="$1" |
_content="$2" |
_statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped |
_debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode" |
SENDGRID_API_KEY="${SENDGRID_API_KEY:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SENDGRID_API_KEY)}" |
if [ -z "$SENDGRID_API_KEY" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify a sendgrid api key SENDGRID_API_KEY yet ." |
_err "You can get yours from here" |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable SENDGRID_API_KEY "$SENDGRID_API_KEY" |
SENDGRID_TO="${SENDGRID_TO:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SENDGRID_TO)}" |
if [ -z "$SENDGRID_TO" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify an email to SENDGRID_TO receive messages." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable SENDGRID_TO "$SENDGRID_TO" |
SENDGRID_FROM="${SENDGRID_FROM:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SENDGRID_FROM)}" |
if [ -z "$SENDGRID_FROM" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify an email to SENDGRID_FROM receive messages." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable SENDGRID_FROM "$SENDGRID_FROM" |
export _H1="Authorization: Bearer $SENDGRID_API_KEY" |
export _H2="Content-Type: application/json" |
_content="$(echo "$_content" | _json_encode)" |
_data="{\"personalizations\": [{\"to\": [{\"email\": \"$SENDGRID_TO\"}]}],\"from\": {\"email\": \"$SENDGRID_FROM\"},\"subject\": \"$_subject\",\"content\": [{\"type\": \"text/plain\", \"value\": \"$_content\"}]}" |
response="" #just make shellcheck happy |
if _post "$_data" ""; then |
if [ -z "$response" ]; then |
_info "sendgrid send sccess." |
return 0 |
fi |
fi |
_err "sendgrid send error." |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
#Support Slack webhooks |
slack_send() { |
_subject="$1" |
_content="$2" |
_statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped |
_debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode" |
if [ -z "$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL" ]; then |
_err "You didn't specify a Slack webhook url SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL yet." |
return 1 |
fi |
_saveaccountconf_mutable SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL "$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL" |
SLACK_CHANNEL="${SLACK_CHANNEL:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SLACK_CHANNEL)}" |
if [ -n "$SLACK_CHANNEL" ]; then |
_saveaccountconf_mutable SLACK_CHANNEL "$SLACK_CHANNEL" |
fi |
SLACK_USERNAME="${SLACK_USERNAME:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable SLACK_USERNAME)}" |
if [ -n "$SLACK_USERNAME" ]; then |
_saveaccountconf_mutable SLACK_USERNAME "$SLACK_USERNAME" |
fi |
export _H1="Content-Type: application/json" |
_content="$(printf "*%s*\n%s" "$_subject" "$_content" | _json_encode)" |
_data="{\"text\": \"$_content\", " |
if [ -n "$SLACK_CHANNEL" ]; then |
_data="$_data\"channel\": \"$SLACK_CHANNEL\", " |
fi |
if [ -n "$SLACK_USERNAME" ]; then |
_data="$_data\"username\": \"$SLACK_USERNAME\", " |
fi |
_data="$_data\"mrkdwn\": \"true\"}" |
if _post "$_data" "$SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL"; then |
# shellcheck disable=SC2154 |
if [ "$response" = "ok" ]; then |
_info "slack send success." |
return 0 |
fi |
fi |
_err "slack send error." |
_err "$response" |
return 1 |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,15 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env sh |
# support smtp |
smtp_send() { |
_subject="$1" |
_content="$2" |
_statusCode="$3" #0: success, 1: error 2($RENEW_SKIP): skipped |
_debug "_subject" "$_subject" |
_debug "_content" "$_content" |
_debug "_statusCode" "$_statusCode" |
_err "Not implemented yet." |
return 1 |
} |
Reference in new issue