diff --git a/dnsapi/dns_pleskxml.sh b/dnsapi/dns_pleskxml.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25d1e6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dnsapi/dns_pleskxml.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+## Name: dns_pleskxml.sh
+## Created by Stilez.
+## Also uses some code from PR#1832 by @romanlum (https://github.com/Neilpang/acme.sh/pull/1832/files)
+## This DNS01 method uses the Plesk XML API described at:
+## https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/12.5/api-rpc/about-xml-api.28709
+## and more specifically: https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/12.5/api-rpc/reference.28784
+## Note: a DNS ID with host = empty string is OK for this API, see
+## https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/api-rpc/about-xml-api/reference/managing-dns/managing-dns-records/adding-dns-record.34798
+## For example, to add a TXT record to DNS alias domain "acme-alias.com" would be a valid Plesk action.
+## So this API module can handle such a request, if needed.
+## For ACME v2 purposes, new TXT records are appended when added, and removing one TXT record will not affect any other TXT records.
+## The plesk plugin uses the xml api to add and remvoe the dns records. Therefore the url, username
+## and password have to be configured by the user before this module is called.
+## ```
+## export pleskxml_uri="https://address-of-my-plesk-server.net:8443/enterprise/control/agent.php"
+## (or probably something similar)
+## export pleskxml_user="my plesk username"
+## export pleskxml_pass="my plesk password"
+## ```
+## Ok, let's issue a cert now:
+## ```
+## acme.sh --issue --dns dns_pleskxml -d example.com -d www.example.com
+## ```
+## The `pleskxml_uri`, `pleskxml_user` and `pleskxml_pass` will be saved in `~/.acme.sh/account.conf` and reused when needed.
+#################### INTERNAL VARIABLES + NEWLINE + API TEMPLATES ##################################
+# Variable containing bare newline - not a style issue
+# shellcheck disable=SC1004
+# Get a list of domains that PLESK can manage, so we can check root domain + host for acme.sh
+# Also used to test credentials and URI.
+# No params.
+# Get all DNS records for a Plesk domain ID.
+# PARAM = Plesk domain id to query
+# Add a TXT record to a domain.
+# PARAMS = (1) Plesk internal domain ID, (2) "hostname" for the new record, eg '_acme_challenge', (3) TXT record value
+# Delete a specific TXT record from a domain.
+# PARAM = the Plesk internal ID for the DNS record to be deleted
+#################### Public functions ##################################
+#Usage: dns_pleskxml_add _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
+dns_pleskxml_add() {
+ fulldomain=$1
+ txtvalue=$2
+ _info "Entering dns_pleskxml_add() to add TXT record '$txtvalue' to domain '$fulldomain'..."
+ # Get credentials if not already checked, and confirm we can log in to Plesk XML API
+ if ! _credential_check; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Get root and subdomain details, and Plesk domain ID
+ if ! _pleskxml_get_root_domain "$fulldomain"; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _debug 'Credentials OK, and domain identified. Calling Plesk XML API to add TXT record'
+ # printf using template in a variable - not a style issue
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2059
+ request="$(printf "$pleskxml_tplt_add_txt_record" "$root_domain_id" "$sub_domain_name" "$txtvalue")"
+ if ! _call_api "$request"; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # OK, we should have added a TXT record. Let's check and return success if so.
+ # All that should be left in the result, is one section, containing okNEW_DNS_RECORD_ID
+ results="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '')"
+ if ! _value "$results" | grep 'ok' | grep -qE '[0-9]+'; then
+ # Error - doesn't contain expected string. Something's wrong.
+ _err 'Error when calling Plesk XML API.'
+ _err 'The result did not contain the expected XXXXX section, or contained other values as well.'
+ _err 'This is unexpected: something has gone wrong.'
+ _err 'The full response was:\n' "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ recid="$(_value "$results" | grep -E '[0-9]+' | sed -E 's/^.*([0-9]+)<\/id>.*$/\1/')"
+ _info "Success. TXT record appears to be correctly added (Plesk record ID=$recid). Exiting dns_pleskxml_add()."
+ return 0
+#Usage: dns_pleskxml_rm _acme-challenge.www.domain.com "XKrxpRBosdIKFzxW_CT3KLZNf6q0HG9i01zxXp5CPBs"
+dns_pleskxml_rm() {
+ fulldomain=$1
+ txtvalue=$2
+ _info "Entering dns_pleskxml_rm() to remove TXT record '$txtvalue' from domain '$fulldomain'..."
+ # Get credentials if not already checked, and confirm we can log in to Plesk XML API
+ if ! _credential_check; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Get root and subdomain details, and Plesk domain ID
+ if ! _pleskxml_get_root_domain "$fulldomain"; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _debug 'Credentials OK, and domain identified. Calling Plesk XML API to get list of TXT records and their IDs'
+ # printf using template in a variable - not a style issue
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2059
+ request="$(printf "$pleskxml_tplt_get_dns_records" "$root_domain_id")"
+ if ! _call_api "$request"; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Reduce output to one line per DNS record, filtered for TXT records with a record ID only (which they should all have)
+ reclist="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' 'ok' \
+ | grep "${root_domain_id}" \
+ | grep -E '[0-9]+' \
+ | grep 'TXT'
+ )"
+ if [ -z "$reclist" ]; then
+ _err "No TXT records found for root domain ${root_domain_name} (Plesk domain ID ${root_domain_id}). Exiting."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _debug "Got list of DNS TXT records for root domain '$root_domain_name'"':\n'"$reclist"
+ recid="$(_value "$reclist" \
+ | grep "$1." \
+ | grep "$txtvalue" \
+ | sed -E 's/(^.*|<\/id>.*$)//g'
+ )"
+ _debug "List of DNS TXT records for host:"'\n'"$(_value "$reclist" | grep "$1.")"
+ if ! _value "$recid" | grep -Eq '^[0-9]+$'; then
+ _err "DNS records for root domain '${root_domain_name}' (Plesk ID ${root_domain_id}) + host '${sub_domain_name}' do not contain the TXT record '${txtvalue}'"
+ _err "Cannot delete TXT record. Exiting."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _debug "Found Plesk record ID for target text string '${txtvalue}': ID=${recid}"
+ _debug 'Calling Plesk XML API to remove TXT record'
+ # printf using template in a variable - not a style issue
+ # shellcheck disable=SC2059
+ request="$(printf "$pleskxml_tplt_rmv_dns_record" "$recid")"
+ if ! _call_api "$request"; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # OK, we should have removed a TXT record. Let's check and return success if so.
+ # All that should be left in the result, is one section, containing okPLESK_DELETED_DNS_RECORD_ID
+ results="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'result' '')"
+ if ! _value "$results" | grep 'ok' | grep -qE '[0-9]+'; then
+ # Error - doesn't contain expected string. Something's wrong.
+ _err 'Error when calling Plesk XML API.'
+ _err 'The result did not contain the expected XXXXX section, or contained other values as well.'
+ _err 'This is unexpected: something has gone wrong.'
+ _err 'The full response was:\n' "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _info "Success. TXT record appears to be correctly removed. Exiting dns_pleskxml_rm()."
+ return 0
+#################### Private functions below ##################################
+# Outputs value of a variable without additional newlines etc
+_value() {
+ printf '%s' "$1"
+# Outputs value of a variable (FQDN) and cuts it at 2 specified '.' delimiters, returning the text in between
+# $1, $2 = where to cut
+# $3 = FQDN
+_valuecut() {
+ printf '%s' "$3" | cut -d . -f "${1}-${2}"
+# Cleans up an API response, splits it "one line per item in the response" and greps for a string that in the context, identifies "useful" lines
+# $1 - result string from API
+# $2 - tag to resplit on (usually "result" or "domain")
+# $3 - regex to recognise useful return lines
+_api_response_split() {
+ printf '%s' "$1" \
+ | sed -E 's/(^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$)//g' \
+ | tr -d '\n\r' \
+ | sed -E "s/<\/?$2>/${NEWLINE}/g" \
+ | grep -E "$3"
+# Calls Plesk XML API, and checks results for obvious issues
+_call_api() {
+ request="$1"
+ errtext=''
+ _debug 'Entered _call_api(). Calling Plesk XML API with request:\n' "'${request}'"
+ export _H1="HTTP_AUTH_LOGIN: $pleskxml_user"
+ export _H2="HTTP_AUTH_PASSWD: $pleskxml_pass"
+ export _H3="content-Type: text/xml"
+ export _H4="HTTP_PRETTY_PRINT: true"
+ pleskxml_prettyprint_result="$(_post "${request}" "$pleskxml_uri" "" "POST")"
+ pleskxml_retcode="$?"
+ _debug "acme _post() returned retcode=$pleskxml_retcode. Literal response:" '\n' "'${pleskxml_prettyprint_result}'"
+ # Detect any that isn't "ok". None of the used calls should fail if the API is working correctly.
+ # Also detect if there simply aren't any status lines (null result?) and report that, as well.
+ statuslines="$(echo "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" | grep -E '^[[:space:]]*[^<]*[[:space:]]*$')"
+ if _value "$statuslines" | grep -qv 'ok'; then
+ # We have some status lines that aren't "ok". Get the details
+ errtext="$(_value "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" \
+ | grep -iE "(||)" \
+ | sed -E 's/(^[[:space:]]+|<\/[a-z]+$)//g' \
+ | sed -E 's/^<([a-z]+)>/\1: /'
+ )"
+ elif ! _value "$statuslines" | grep -q 'ok'; then
+ # We have no status lines at all. Results are empty
+ errtext='The Plesk XML API unexpectedly returned an empty set of results for this call.'
+ fi
+ if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ] || [ "$errtext" != "" ]; then
+ _err "The Plesk XML API call failed."
+ _err "The return code for the POST request was $pleskxml_retcode (0=success)."
+ if [ "$errtext" != "" ]; then
+ _err 'Status and error messages received from the Plesk server:\n' "$errtext"
+ else
+ _err "No additional error messages were received back from the Plesk server"
+ fi
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _debug "Leaving _call_api(). Successful call."
+ return 0
+# Startup checks (credentials, URI)
+_credential_check() {
+ _debug "Checking Plesk XML API login credentials and URI..."
+ if [ "$pleskxml_init_checks_done" -eq 1 ]; then
+ _debug "Initial checks already done, no need to repeat. Skipped."
+ return 0
+ fi
+ pleskxml_user="${pleskxml_user:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_user)}"
+ pleskxml_pass="${pleskxml_pass:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_pass)}"
+ pleskxml_uri="${pleskxml_uri:-$(_readaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_uri)}"
+ _debug "Credentials - User: '${pleskxml_user}' Passwd: ****** URI: '${pleskxml_uri}'"
+ if [ -z "$pleskxml_user" ] || [ -z "$pleskxml_pass" ] || [ -z "$pleskxml_uri" ]; then
+ pleskxml_user=""
+ pleskxml_pass=""
+ pleskxml_uri=""
+ _err "You didn't specify one or more of the Plesk XML API username, password, or URI."
+ _err "Please create these and try again."
+ _err "Instructions are in the module source code."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Test the API is usable, by trying to read the list of managed domains...
+ _call_api "$pleskxml_tplt_get_domains"
+ if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ]; then
+ _err '\nFailed to access Plesk XML API.'
+ _err "Please check your login credentials and Plesk URI, and that the URI is reachable, and try again."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _saveaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_uri "$pleskxml_uri"
+ _saveaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_user "$pleskxml_user"
+ _saveaccountconf_mutable pleskxml_pass "$pleskxml_pass"
+ _debug "Test login to Plesk XML API successful. Login credentials and URI successfully saved to the acme.sh configuration file for future use."
+ pleskxml_init_checks_done=1
+ return 0
+# For a FQDN, identify the root domain managed by Plesk, its domain ID in Plesk, and the host if any.
+# IMPORTANT NOTE: a result with host = empty string is OK for this API, see
+# https://docs.plesk.com/en-US/obsidian/api-rpc/about-xml-api/reference/managing-dns/managing-dns-records/adding-dns-record.34798
+# See notes at top of this file
+_pleskxml_get_root_domain() {
+ _debug "Identifying DNS root domain for '$1' that is managed by the Plesk account."
+ # test if the domain as provided is valid for splitting.
+ if _value "$root_domain_name" | grep -qvE '^[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]'; then
+ _err "Invalid domain. The ACME domain must contain at least two parts (aa.bb) to identify a domain and tld for the TXT record."
+ return 1
+ fi
+ _debug "Querying Plesk server for list of managed domains..."
+ _call_api "$pleskxml_tplt_get_domains"
+ if [ "$pleskxml_retcode" -ne 0 ]; then
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # Generate a crude list of domains known to this Plesk account.
+ # We convert tags to so it'll flag on a hit with either or fields,
+ # for non-Western character sets.
+ # Output will be one line per known domain, containing 2 tages and a single tag
+ # We don't actually need to check for type, name, *and* id, but it guarantees only usable lines are returned.
+ output="$(_api_response_split "$pleskxml_prettyprint_result" 'domain' 'domain' | sed -E 's/<(\/?)ascii-name>/<\1name>/g' | grep '' | grep '')"
+ _debug 'Domains managed by Plesk server are (ignore the hacked output):\n' "$output"
+ # loop and test if domain, or any parent domain, is managed by Plesk
+ # Loop until we don't have any '.' in the string we're testing as a candidate Plesk-managed domain
+ root_domain_name="$1"
+ doneloop=0
+ while _contains "$root_domain_name" '\.'; do
+ _debug "Checking if '$root_domain_name' is managed by the Plesk server..."
+ root_domain_id="$(_value "$output" | grep "$root_domain_name" | _head_n 1 | sed -E 's/^.*([0-9]+)<\/id>.*$/\1/')"
+ if [ -n "$root_domain_id" ]; then
+ # Found a match
+ sub_domain_name="$(_value "$1" | sed -E "s/\.?${root_domain_name}"'$//')"
+ _info "Matched host '$1' to: DOMAIN '${root_domain_name}' (Plesk ID '${root_domain_id}'), HOST '${sub_domain_name}'. Returning."
+ return 0
+ fi
+ # No match, try next parent up (if any)...
+ if _contains "$root_domain_name" '\.[^.]+\.'; then
+ _debug "No match, trying next parent up..."
+ else
+ _debug "No match,and next parent would be a TLD..."
+ fi
+ root_domain_name="$(_valuecut 2 1000 "$root_domain_name")"
+ doneloop=1
+ done
+ # if we get here, we failed to find a root domain match in the list of domains managed by Plesk.
+ # if we never ran the loop even once, $1 wasn't a 2nd level (or deeper) domain (e.g. domain.tld) and wasn't valid anyway
+ if [ -z $doneloop ]; then
+ _err "'$1' isn't a valid domain for ACME DNS. Exiting."
+ else
+ _err "Cannot find '$1' or any parent domain of it, in Plesk."
+ _err "Are you sure that this domain is managed by this Plesk server?"
+ fi
+ return 1