From e35e31324078803cd1db2c398d070ce2cc184252 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Kerr Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2017 11:20:16 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Fix error in Unifi example --- deploy/ | 5 +++-- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/deploy/ b/deploy/ index 8f38605..8cc40cd 100644 --- a/deploy/ +++ b/deploy/ @@ -135,12 +135,13 @@ export ACME_DEPLOY_SSH_REMOTE_CMD="openssl pkcs12 -export \ -out /var/lib/unifi/ \ -name ubnt -password pass:temppass \ && keytool -importkeystore -deststorepass aircontrolenterprise \ - -destkeypass aircontrolenterprise -destkeystore /var/lib/unifi/keystore \ + -destkeypass aircontrolenterprise \ + -destkeystore /var/lib/unifi/keystore \ -srckeystore /var/lib/unifi/ \ -srcstoretype PKCS12 -srcstorepass temppass -alias ubnt -noprompt \ && service unifi restart" --deploy -d --deploy-hook ssh --deploy -d --deploy-hook ssh ``` Note how in this exmple we execute several commands on the remote host after the certificate files have been copied... to generate a pkcs12 file